Historisk Tidskrift. Utgiven av Svenska historiska föreningen
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Historisk tidskrift 126:4 • 2006

Innehåll (Contents) 2006:4

Uppsatser (Articles)

”De mest trätogirige” ? En fallstudie om politiskt aktiva bönder i 1700-talets svenska lokalsamhälle

Peter Lindström

Fulltext (pdf)


”The most quarrelsome?” A case study of local peasant politicians in eighteenth century Sweden

This study investigates the conflict over the election of the rector of Hälsingtuna parish in Hälsingland in the 1730s. Seven peasants who were active in the conflict have been studied in close detail, with the aim to determine why peasants became politically active. Four hypotheses have been tested: First, that politically active peasants belonged to the upper strata of landholders. Second, that politically active peasants possessed the confidence of the parishioners. Third, that politically active peasants held local office. And finally, that politically active peasants were the sons of politically active parents. Only the third hypothesis has found confirmation in this study. Five of the seven peasants who were active in the conflict over the election held local office. This limited study does not lend itself to general conclusions, however. Instead, it should be seen as an invitation to more comprehensive studies of the subject.


peasants, political culture, clergy elections, early modern, Sweden, local community