Historisk Tidskrift. Utgiven av Svenska historiska föreningen
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Historisk tidskrift 130:2 • 2010

Innehåll (Contents) 2010:2

Översikt (Review essays)

Monster i förvandling

Av Bo Eriksson


Fulltext (pdf)

This article reviews the following work(s):

Matthew Beresford, From demons to Dracula: the creation of the modern vampire myth (Wiltshire: Reaktion 2009). 240 s.

Bettina Bildhauer & Robert Mills, The monstrous middle ages (Cardiff: University of Wales press 2003). 236 s.

Jan Bondeson, Freaks: the pig-faced lady of Manchester square & other medical marvels (Gloucestershire: Tempus 2006). 334 s.

Caroline Walker Bynum, Metamorphosis and identity (New York: Zone books 2 01). 280 s.

Marry Wiesner-Hanks, The marvelous hairy girls: the Gonzales sisters and their worlds (New Haven and London: Yale university press 2 09). 248 s.