Historisk Tidskrift. Utgiven av Svenska historiska föreningen
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Historisk tidskrift 134:3 • 2014

Innehåll (Contents) 2014:3

Uppsatser (Articles)

Lönade det sig att gå till sjöss? Arbetarnas löner till sjöss och på land i 1800-talets Sverige och Finland

Jari Ojala, Pirita Frigren & Jari Eloranta

Fulltext (pdf)


Did it pay to go to sea? Workingmen’s wages at sea and on land in Sweden and Finland in the nineteenth-century

A comparison of sailors’ real wages on Swedish and Finnish merchant ships from the mid-1700s until the early 1900s and the wages paid to other workers both at home and in metropolitan London and Amsterdam shows that that during the period usually described as the first phase of economic globalization it paid off to go to sea. However, wages at sea did not converge substantially with the wages paid in the home country and abroad. The examination of seamen’s wages offers a fresh perspective on the discussion of convergence in wages and prices.



Maritime labour, wage convergence, globalisation