Historisk Tidskrift. Utgiven av Svenska historiska föreningen
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Historisk tidskrift 129:2 • 2009

Innehåll (Contents) 2009:2

Uppsatser (Articles)

”Följ de omtänksamma husmödrarnas exempel…”. Livsmedelsannonsering i en svensk dagstidning, 1875–1965

Pernilla Jonsson

Fulltext (pdf)


”Follow the example of the caring housewives...”. Food advertisements in a Swedish newspaper, 1875–1965

Throughout the period 1875 to 1965, the food industry was the dominant ad- vertiser in the Swedish daily press. Producers began brand advertising already in 1875 and this type of food advertising was particularly common in the 1920s and 1930s. The articles were primarily packaged colonial goods and new processed goods in areas where new companies challenged existing oligopolies. The produ- cers, often foreign, were the first to begin lifestyle advertising. In the 1920s and 1930s, consumer oriented marketing secured its position in Swedish newspaper advertising. Sometime around 1920, the address of the ads became gendered and directed primarily to women, defined in a heterosexual relationship. The adverti- sements referred to themes like good health and a woman’s success in making her family happy. Above all, they stressed the expertise of the good housewife and her expected concern to make the housekeeping money last. By the mid 1960s, suggestive and normative aspects of food advertising had decreased, however, and brand advertising had moved from newspapers to magazines and journals.


advertising history, food marketing history, women consumers