Historisk Tidskrift. Utgiven av Svenska historiska föreningen
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Historisk tidskrift 127:3 • 2007

Innehåll (Contents) 2007:3

Uppsatser (Articles)

Manligt och omanligt på Karlberg. En studie av pennalistiskt våld inom Krigsakademiens kadettkår

Esbjörn Larsson

Fulltext (pdf)


The masculine and the non-masculine at Karlberg: A study of bullying at the Swedish cadet corps

The article discusses masculine practices within the Swedish cadet corps during the 19th century through two cases of violent behaviour in the year 1862. Although the cases occurred in the same year the academy punished the offenders differently. The difference cannot be explained by either the degree of violence used by the offender or the offender’s age and social standing. For this reason conceptions of masculinity seems a feasible explanation for the academy’s response.

The perception of masculinity as foremost a homosocial role is a cornerstone of the analysis, as are concepts such as countertypes and peripetal or centripetal violence.

Comparison of the cases reveals perceptions of what a cadet ought to be like and what characteristics the cadet corps and the officers disapproved of. The term comrade was often used to signify that a fellow cadet was a courageous and reliable person. A good comrade could stand his ground and if needed take a beating. Under no circumstances were you allowed to inform on your fellow ca- dets. Terms like weak and cute signified lack of masculinity. The study also shows that the solidarity within the corps was very strong and that several cadets were willing to risk being expelled to defend the corps’ honor.


19th century, masculinity, homosocial, violence, bullying, boarding schools, cadet academies