Historisk Tidskrift. Utgiven av Svenska historiska föreningen
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Historisk tidskrift 130:4 • 2010

Innehåll (Contents) 2010:4

Uppsatser (Articles)

Medkänslans makt och gränser. Nya linjer i känslornas historia

Av Annika Sandén & Joachim Östlund


Fulltext (pdf)


The longue durée of compassion

Long lines of inquiry can be pursued also on feelings such as care and compas- sion in order to qualify a conventional narrative of the development of western society as the gradual triumph of reason and self-control over fearful emotions and anxiety. The conventional narrative is based upon theories of emotions that are no longer adhered to in the behavioral- and natural sciences. In this article the concept of compassion works as an analytical tool but also as an em- pirical term. It is used it in three ways: first, as a cognitive emotion; secondly, as an articulated and public value, ideal or virtue; finally in its institutional forms and patterns. The argument rests on the contemporary science of emotions, which emphasizes the physiological dimension of the human disposition.

The article also addresses the dilemma that appears to arise between intentions of solving social needs, on the one hand, and the results that might appear when the needs are larger than the resources available, on the other hand. Exclusion has often been the consequence of disqualification, something that humans seem to fear more than anything. Finally, this article deals with the various concepts of compassion as significant foundations for the origin of societies and social patterns. Societal systems for security and care have long historical roots. By using the concept of compassion not just as a cultural value, but also as a cognitive and neurological concept, it is possible to show how com- munities, like families, villages and states, might be initiated and maintained. Thus, this article aims to challenge a traditional historical narrative that has overemphasized the development of human moral emotions.


compassion, caring, emotions, evolution, continuity, welfare, pre- modern, outside/inside